Party night

by | Dec 4, 2023 | 0 comments

Another sea day before hitting Cairns and the most eventful evening of the cruise. Terry, aka Mr. James, entered the karaoke contest (they were actually waiting for him before they closed the signup!). He did quite the performance! The cruise director, activity director and activity hosts played the roles of the judges in the style of Britain’s got talent. So funny. Terry threw in a few jokes himself and donated his socks to Giuseppe, our sockless cruise director. We all had a very good laugh. And Mustang Sally sounded better than ever. He took away the second prize, only beat by a very sweet newlywed, Rebecca from Ireland. I had a terrible headache and just managed to get through the karaoke contest before going to bed, but Terry kept the party going as his fans amassed around him. I’m not sure what time it was when he came back but there had been lots of fun people offering whisky and compliments. It sounded like it had been a very good night. I think he even outshined Captain Fun, this odd fellow who wears his captain’s costume all day long even though he’s not crew…


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