We ventured out after a long lie and stumbled over a lovely Udon (noodle) restaurant which was delicious and very cheap. The standing clientel was a bit different and we did our very best to slurp our noodles like the locals.
Our next destination was Akihabara a mecca for manga lovers, arcade gamers and gadget freaks. Stores of electrical items you never knew you needed and large breasted manga figurines abound. Mental. We did pop into an arcade where I relived my glory days of Super Sprint and trounced Katrine at Dance Dance Revolution.
This wouldn’t be my only victory of the day as we proceeded onward to the Samurai and Ninja museum where I took first prize in Shikuren throwing. We also got the chance to dress up as Samurai and hear the history of the Shogun and the real last Samurai as well as checking out armour and weaponry of the time.
We learned that Samurai of the time (1185-1867) were all very short and generally carried the shorter wakazashi sword for fear of being ambushed in toilets where space was too cramped to draw a larger katana. Also, ninja were sneaky farmers and the last Samurai was French and looked nothing like Tom Cruise.
Do not sleep under a roof. Carry no money or food. Go alone to places frightening to the common brand of men. Become a criminal of purpose. Be put in jail, and extricate yourself by your own wisdom.
Miyamoto Musashi
We moved swiftly along to another type of blade, this time the Japanese kitchen knife variety, picking one up in a great wee knife shop.
Dinner today was in a nearby cozy restaurant composing of a bento type dinner and sushi tasting flight. TheĀ food is so good here! Oh, and we went to a rescue cat cafe.
We ended the night in a bonkers little bar we stumbled across called ‘Not Suspicious’ where we sampled a smoky Japanese whisky, chatted to the other guests and helped decorate the wall. What a busy day.